These were individuals who had no choice regarding their condition. Their position as slaves required that they submit, whether they wanted to or not. But Paul challenged them to take a different attitude. Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
49 Bible Verses about PunishmentMost Relevant Verses Isaiah 13:11 Verse Concepts Thus I will punish the world for its evilAnd the wicked for their iniquity;I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proudAnd abase the haughtiness of the ruthless. Matthew 25:46 Verse Concepts ...
And unlike animals which look to the ground, men and women stand upright with a heavenly gaze. God's Image: God created a form, that is, an image, for the eternal Son to indwell. The verses Jehovah's Witnesses assume undermine Christ's deity are actually verses describing this aspect of...
Significant OT verses concerning the soul Spirit in the New Testament Soul in the New Testament In Conclusion God is Love, but He is also holy and just Throughout this book all quotes are italicised, with Jesus’ words in red. I have used a variety of different translations of The Bible...
Regarding the claim that “evolution is science“, I heartily disagree. Science is the “system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method.” Creationists agree with this definition of science…in fact it was...
61 Bible Verses about ThankfulnessMost Relevant Verses Psalm 100:4-5 Enter His gates with thanksgivingAnd His courts with praise.Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good;His lovingkindness is everlastingAnd His faithfulness to all generations. 1 Chronicles 16:8 Verse ...
Verses 15 and 16 demonstrate to the reader God’s control over man; God created Adam from dust, named him, enforced where he would live, and what he could eat. The final use of “the Lord God” in this chapter is used when describing how God creates woman, Eve, out of the bone he...
Other than Jesus, Moses might be the most well-known character from the Bible. Let’s look at eight things about Moses – who he was in the Bible and some details regarding his life.
The Prophet Speaks - א (Alef) Alas! The city once full of people now sits all alone! The prominent lady among the nations has become a widow! The