Peace in the Bible, however, isn’t about the absence of conflict but is about the presence of something – or Someone – who brings wholeness and wellbeing. Fortunately, there are many Bible verses about peace of mind that can encourage us and remind us of God’s perspective on peace. ...
"Shalom" is Peace, that is nothing missing, nothing broken. It is wholeness, it is completeness. It is deep and wide and touches every area of our life. It is the supernatural definition of wellness. In Bible Verses, Find Victory There are many marvelous dimensions of wellness, all of wh...
to be a helpful online tool for all those fortunate to come across it. Understand, one of my main goals, when it came to creating, and maintaining this site, dealt with providing you with a reliable online Christian resource. I've also provided a section on this site that deals with an...
蒙主救拔脱离苦难 - 大卫的诗,交于伶长。 我曾耐性等候耶和华,他垂听我的呼求。 他从祸坑里,从淤泥中,把我拉上来,使我的脚立在磐石上,使我脚步稳当。 他使我口唱新歌,就是赞美我们神的话。许多人必看见而惧怕,并要倚靠耶和华。 那倚靠耶和华,不理会狂傲和偏向虚假
“very good” on the seventh day of the creation week. The vehement wholeness of the seventh day being termed “very good” in Genesis 2:3 stands in the context of Genesis 2:18’s “not good” statement made before Adam’s sin. This is why many of our sages have argued for “Thus...
永远的赎罪祭 - 律法只是将来美事的一个投影,并非本体的真像,所以年复一年的献祭不能使前来敬拜的人纯全。 否则,献祭的事早已终止了,因为敬拜的人若献一次祭就能彻底得到洁净,他们就不再觉得有罪了。 然而,每年献祭的事都使人想起自己的罪来, 因为公牛和山羊的血根本
They were raised on doo-wop and early rock ‘n’ roll, and their simple rhyme scheme in their lyrics and old-fashioned musical style still reflect this. However, if one takes a second listen and pays attention to the lyrics of the verses, it is clear that this song has a deep message...
The enumerated verses which contained all the letters of the alphabet, or a certain number of them; and so on. These trivialities, as we may rightly consider them, had yet the effect of securing minute attention to the precise transmission of the text; and they are but an excessive ...
Q.(1 John 2:8, 3:6): The first of these verses says we all sin and if we say we don’t then we are calling God a liar. But, 3:6 says that if we live in Him we won’t sin and anyone who keeps sinning does not know Him. So, on the face of it, these sound a little...
And verses 29,30. “Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other. Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down cam...