30 Encouraging Bible verses on stress for moms Posted on September 16, 2024 Powerful Scriptures for the overwhelmed momRecently I asked a group of mamas what topic they’d most like to study and the resounding answer was stress management. We mamas are stressed! And I relate. In this season...
If you are wondering what the Bible says about pre-marital or marital sex, use these verses about sex to study in context what God would have for you to learn in regards to physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy.
Jehoahaz, a son of Josiah, ruled Judah for only three months, after which Neco installed Jehoiakim, another son of Josiah, as his royal vassal in Jerusalem (609 b.c.). In 605 the Babylonians overwhelmed the Egyptian army at Carchemish (seeJer 46:2), then pressed south as far as the...
As the first commandment says, “I am the Lord thy God.” At the end of the day, we must all answer to this higher power. Do what is right as defined by bible verses on parenting and God’s word and teach your children to do what is right. I hope you find these words from the...
Motivational Bible Verses For Youth | Scriptures For Teenagers, College Students 39 related questions found How do you raise a godly child? 8 Tips On Raising Godly Children In A Changing World Children should be taught to be confident in themselves: ... ...
Evangelism: The Romans Road to Salvation (Bible Verses) Jonathan Petersen John 3:16 is known as “the gospel in a nutshell.” Another quick reference is the Romans Road to Salvation: A selection of Bible verses from the book of Romans that present the plan of salvation through faith in Jes...
Old Testament Bible Verses About Healing He said, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egypti...
These Bible verses will help you feel more centered and will make you feel ready to take your next steps, whatever they are. In addition to sharing them on social media, you can also meditate on them or find them and begin Bible journaling. Need more graduation inspiration? We've got ...
and I am saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my vo...
Bible Verses Warning Against Relying on Signs more Than god’s Word The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morn...