n with Bible Verses How to Fight Addiction with Bible VersesHow to Fight Addiction with Bible VersesMiriam Kinai
How to Fight Addiction with Bible VersesFight Addiction
The Bible’s references to drug abuse, intoxication and addiction require thought and reflection. They can be interpreted in different ways. The meanings of the verses can be difficult to understand, but the overall message from the Bible is usually clear. ...
I had added pornography to the mix. In high school, I was deeply engrossed in sexual addiction. Those were dark days for me. I wasn't a Christian, but even then, I knew I was in bondage to something dark. I was controlled by a lust I couldn't find freedom from, no matter how ...
I feel blessed to be able to pass your insights on to my daughter who for over 30 years has battled the raging rivers of drug addiction and recovery. Your Thank you for sharing from your life! I will pass on your article to my daughter who for over 30 years has been caught in the...
And although Jacob had became very sad after Rachel had died, he taught himself how to cope, by first, leaning on his son Joseph. For he would soon become his favorite son, from out of the twelve. But when he'd eventually lost Joseph, and was deceived (by his other sons) into think...
So that's what we're going to talk about today as we move into the Christmas season and transition into our Advent series on John. We're going to look at 10 verses in the Bible where God instructs us to choose gratitude, no matter what circumstances we're facing. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE...
That same word is used for unborn infants in Job 3:16 (and perhaps other verses), hence God considers unborn infants to be living human beings--children. However, human life cannot be considered to begin prior to conception for several reasons. One is since the Bible condemns sex outside ...
Without actual Bible verses, how could you know that what I am saying is true. Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have...
Know that we'll learn many things on this site - as we journey together through this great Book called the Bible. We'll learn many things, particularly when it comes to incorporating the power of God's Word from within your everyday life. Not only that, but we'll also come across top...