KJV Bible Verses An important reason for reading Bible verses is to learn about Jesus, such as why he came to live on earth, why he had to die, where He is now, what He is doing now, and our need to get ready for His second coming. ...
Raise Me is designed to provide faith support through daily Bible verses, helping you build the habit of daily devotionals. Whether you need inspiration for daily living, work, marriage, family, faith, forgiveness, wealth, health, or gospel reading, there’s a perfect Bible verse for you. ...
More nonsense verses. I never believed this verse even years ago before the desecration of all bibles. Everything about this scripture story is pish posh. The couple donated money but not enough so God slaughtered them right then and there? No I am not buying it. Furthermore now it reads ...
KJV Bible Verses About HealingIn 1879, American theologian Mary Baker Eddy founded the Church of Christ, Scientist, a new denomination of Christianity that emphasized the power of prayer and positive thinking in healing from physical illnesses. The reputation of Christian Science has been ...
Repeat verses, chapters or set timers and make LISTENING to the Bible a daily habit ANYWHERE! Download Online Bible Study FREE Easter Bible Study with Christine Caine & Lisa Harper + FREE study videos! Join now! Access Your Bible from Anywhere ...
- Repeat playback of Verses or Chapters. - Quick Jump: You can also quickly read from your last stop. - Daily Bible a year: Get the daily Bible verse each day ◎ Interlinear Bible Chinese English Bible Interlinear:KJV/NIV, KJV/RSV, KJV/KJV - Chinese Union Version and much more... ◎...
King James VersionKJV The KJV is the first version of Scripture authorized by the Protestant church and commissioned by England's King James I. New Living TranslationNLT Using modern English, the translators of the NLT focused on producing clarity in the meaning of the text rather than creating...
it seems there are more verses in the Bible about His second return, than the first. prophecy about Israel In theLord’s first coming, He came as a man like us and as a lamb to be crucified on a cross for our sins, then rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. ...
The Bible Verse of the Day provides a collection of enlightening and inspiration bible verses. Improve your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and your life by studying the words of the holy scripture. Explore the King James Bible (kjv) and discover new insights....
Tagged as:Bible Verses,building,cornerstone,foundation,Jesus Christ,KJV Bible verses Article byPamela Rose Williams Pamela Rose Williamsis a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams, have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has a Master of Ministry in...