The 7 Last Words Of Jesus On The Cross Hi there! Here’s a new Bible verse printable for Easter. These are the 7 last words of Jesus on the Cross. I made 2 sets of Holy Week Bible verses, one in NIV and the other in NKJV. Print these on US Letter size paper and insert each ...
You don’t need to fear being punished by God. Because he loves you, he already punished Jesus on the cross for all your sins. You can come to thethrone of gracefreely, knowing that you’ll experience the love and grace and mercy of God. If you are in Christ, there is no punishmen...
After all, Christmas isn't about material gifts under the tree, it's about our Father's gift, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, who died on the cross and rose from the dead, paying the price for our sins. If you're drawn to reflection during this time of year as I am, here...
My rock, do not be deaf to me, For if You are silent to me, I will become like those who go down to the pit. Psalm 83:1 Verse Concepts A Song, a Psalm of Asaph. O God, do not remain quiet; Do not be silent and, O God, do not be still. ...
Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.” Isaiah 5:9 Verse Concepts In my ears theLordof hosts has sworn, “Surely, many houses shall become desolate, ...
“But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases.”Luke 5:15 10.Romans 1:20 “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God mad...
The text is: In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. God then created man in His image for His purpose and glory. Man disobeyed God which brought in sin, but God who loved the world sent His son, Jesus Christ who is God became man. He died on the cross for man’s sin...
hearts. Teach and instruct one another with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts. Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father.Colossians 3:...
Meaning:John tells us that Jesus said God’s greatest commandment is to love each other. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 (ASV) If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. And if I havethe gift ofprophecy, and know...
I hate and despise falsehood, But I love Your law. Psalm 119:119 Verse Concepts You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies. Psalm 119:167 Verse Concepts My soul keeps Your testimonies, ...