7:1–3 Verses 1–3 are artistically constructed. “Keep” in v. 1a recurs in v. 2a;“commands” in v. 1b recurs in v. 2a; the imperative verb “live” occurs in the very center of the three lines; v. 3, on preserving the teaching upon one’s very person, matches vv. 1–2...
Verses 1–5 warn against getting trapped by one’s words to another person (the Hebrew word for “another” is the same used for the forbidden woman); vv. 6–11 proposes the ant as a model of forethought and diligence; vv. 12–15 describes the reprobate who bears some similarity to ...
Marriages and funerals are the changes of families, and the common news among the inhabitants of the villages. In the foregoing chapter we had Abraham burying his wife, here we have him marrying his son. These stories concerning his family, with their minute circumstances, are largely related, ...
This comforting Bible verse is often read at funerals, because it gives us a clear description of heaven. When we're struggling to grieve a loved one, this verse gives us peace in knowing that our loved one is meeting "the Lord in the air" and that we should rest in knowing they now...
know if God has provided a way of escape for his children. God never judges the wicked and his saints at the same time. He insists on a clear distinction so that the wicked know what the stakes are. STRONG DELUSION DISCUSSIONS- PART FIVE ...
7:1–3 Verses 1–3 are artistically constructed. “Keep” in v. 1a recurs in v. 2a;“commands” in v. 1b recurs in v. 2a; the imperative verb “live” occurs in the very center of the three lines; v. 3, on preserving the teaching upon one’s very person, matches vv. 1–2...
Verses 1–5 warn against getting trapped by one’s words to another person (the Hebrew word for “another” is the same used for the forbidden woman); vv. 6–11 proposes the ant as a model of forethought and diligence; vv. 12–15 describes the reprobate who bears some similarity to ...
19For my husband is not at home,[g] he has gone on a long journey; 20A bag of money he took with him, he will not return home till the full moon.” 21She wins him over by repeated urging, with her smooth lips she leads him astray.[h] ...