21. Therefore, we do not lose heart.Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is u...
Regardless of thebranch of Christianityyou practice, you can take inspiration from these Bible verses for your own nuptials. You may want to place particular emphasis on the partnership between you and your fiancé, speak to the commitment that marriage requires, or underscore the deep love that ...
Bible Verse For Passing Of A Loved One How Bible Verses Dealing With Death Can Help With Loss If faith is a big part of your life, or the life of your loved one, turning to the Bible’s timeless wisdom can significantly help with the healing process. Biblical verses have been used for...
Top 10 Comforting Bible Verses about Grief Matthew 5:4-Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Revelation 21:4-He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former thing...
Bible Verses For Faith in Hard Times Bible Verses about Faith - Scripture Quotes to Remember in Hard Times We have collected our favorite Bible verses about having faith and finding hope for the situations that cause us to stumble. God tells us that we will have troubles in this world ......
Faith Bible Verses To Bring Light Into The Darkness We’re told that we will have troubles in this world. It’s a guarantee. We live in a fallen world. The great news, however, is that God promises us that we have already won the victory through our faith in Jesus Christ. We can ...
遵行耶和华律法者大有福祉 - 行为完全,遵行耶和华律法的,这人便为有福! 遵守他的法度,一心寻求他的,这人便为有福! 这人不做非义的事,但遵行他的道。 耶和华啊,你曾将你的训词吩咐我们,为要我们殷勤遵守。
Christians have had their businesses and livelihood taken away by the State for standing up for basic Biblical Christian beliefs. Today in many nations around the World, including Canada, their Socialist (“Liberal”) Parties have now made just quoting Bible verses a punishable criminal offense and...
In other words, they are flat out lying against a defendant, all in an effort to try and make some type of financial gain either against an individual or a particular company. As you will see in the verses I will list below, when God the Father has it set up asone of His 10 comman...
our Great God. God tells us that we do not have to fear the “hardships” that enter our lives. God knows that fear will keep us from seeing Him. Fear causes us to doubt the goodness and the power of God. For this reason, God gives us many verses that command us to “fear not....