What does the Bible say for a broken heart? - Scriptures to Heal a Broken Heart A broken heart can occur when a loved one has passed or an event in your life that created pain. The Bible has many verses that can encourage and inspire the brokenhearted. The Lord is near to the brokenh...
Most Relevant Verses Ephesians 4:6 Verse Concepts one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Genesis 1:1 Verse Concepts In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 1 John 3:18 Verse Concepts Little children, let us not love with word ...
Regardless of thebranch of Christianityyou practice, you can take inspiration from these Bible verses for your own nuptials. You may want to place particular emphasis on the partnership between you and your fiancé, speak to the commitment that marriage requires, or underscore the deep love that ...
Bible verses about love and marriage: There are many amazing scriptures. With 66 books and more than 30,000 verses across the Old Testament and New Testament to flip through, deciding which Bible verses about love are the right ones for a particular situation is no easy feat. Maybe you're ...
matter what. Take time to receive the depth of his love for you today. Allow his love to heal you, transform you, free you, and lead you to the abundant life he has always longed to give. Read, meditate, and pray over these Bible verses about God's love as you walk in faith ...
But a broken spirit dries up the bones. 1 Peter 1:22 Verse Concepts Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, Proverbs 13:19 Verse Concepts Desire realized is sweet to the soul,But ...
If we didn’t have religion, we may not have weddings at all. They’ve been directly linked for centuries and many of the traditions we’ve come to love have roots predominantly in Christianity. There are many bible verses about love worthy enough to make it to yourwedding vow. Here are...
From struggles with depression to anxiety, there are Bible verses for mental health and Bible verses for mental illness that can help bring us peace.
for what their hands have done.65 Put a veil over their hearts, and may your curse be on them!66 Pursue them in anger and destroy them from under the heavens of the Lord. Footnotes Lamentations 3:1 This chapter is an acrostic poem; the verses of each stanza begin with the successive ...
RELATED: Inspiring Bible Verses About the Importance of Worship Jeremiah 29:11-13 "I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope. When you call me and come and pray to me, I will listen ...