53 Bible Verses about The BibleMost Relevant Verses Ephesians 4:6 Verse Concepts one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Genesis 1:1 Verse Concepts In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 1 John 3:18 Verse Concepts Little children...
主骑驴进耶路撒冷 - 耶稣和门徒将近耶路撒冷,到了伯法其和伯大尼,在橄榄山那里,耶稣就打发两个门徒, 对他们说:“你们往对面村子里去,一进去的时候,必看见一匹驴驹拴在那里,是从来没有人骑过的,可以解开牵来。 若有人对你们说:‘为什么做这事?’你们...
Galatians 5:13 In contexts like this, the Greek word for flesh (sarx) refers to the sinful state of human beings, often presented as a power in opposition to the Spirit; also in verses 16, 17, 19 and 24; and in 6:8. Galatians 5:14 Lev. 19:18 Galatians 5:17 Or you d...
Now I will give you some of the best and most profound verses from the Bible on the quality of love, how powerful of a thing it really is, and exactly what God the Father is looking for from each one of us in this area. I will break these Scripture verses down under their appropria...
149 Bible Verses about NatureMost Relevant Verses Psalm 89:11 Verse Concepts The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;The world and all it contains, You have founded them. Isaiah 45:12 Verse Concepts “It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it.I stretched out ...
YouVersion will allow you to communicate and connect with other YouVersion users to share Bible verses, User Contributions, and other content. It is your choice whether to communicate or connect with another member and to share your information or User Contributions. To facilitate your connections wi...
What about all those verses against sexual immorality? Indeed, God does not approve of sexual immorality. But the Bible does not give a complete definition. It could mean only things most societies still consider wrong: incest, child abuse, rape, ritual temple sex, bestiality, adultery. Or it...
Scripture Verses Ezekiel 18:20 The one who sins is the one who dies. The child will not be punished for the parent's sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child's sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own goodness, and wicked people will be punished for their...
In other verses, Jesus could not even perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!). And Jesus could not determine who gets to sit on his right and on his left in Heaven. Only GOD alone decides this, Jesus said. He also said:John 5:31 "If I (Jesus) bear ...
This comment made by Jesus has to also be connected with the other Bible verses on when God did actually have His people engage with the enemy. There is a time to engage – but there is also a time not to engage. You have to know when to turn the other cheek and let matters go ...