These next set of verses will really drive home the point on how God wants all of us to look at money and the material wealth that either this world or God can offer to us, especially in the more affluent and wealthier type countries. The Scripture Verses I will first list all of thes...
Matthew 6:24– “No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Read moreBible verses about greedand how they can apply to our lives. ...
Unfortunately, many Bible verses about money get misrepresented. Here are the true meanings of five Bible verses, including Proverbs about money as well as statements from Jesus about money, to clear up the situation. Check it out:Get cash back with these credit cards and donate it to your ...
#10. Bible Verses About Hope: God Has A Good Future For Us When things get tough in life we can be tempted to fear for the future. We can be tempted to envy wealthy or successful unbelievers, who seem to have no worries at all. But God tells us not to envy sinners, but focus on...
61 Bible Verses about ThankfulnessMost Relevant Verses Psalm 100:4-5 Enter His gates with thanksgivingAnd His courts with praise.Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good;His lovingkindness is everlastingAnd His faithfulness to all generations. 1 Chronicles 16:8 Verse ...
The wealthy were apparently arrogantly parading... Why were David’s emotions so erratic? (13:1–6) Why were David’s emotions so erratic? (13:1–6) Within five verses David moved from spiritual... Does God have a physical body? (...
Bible Verses about Saving Money Linda: Yeah, I know when I first started working, one of the things they would tell me to do is my company would match a certain percentage of money that I would put into a 403(b). That is like free money. That’s what everybody would tell me. It...
A woman living as a concubine was more common in Israel during the patriarchal period of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than in later periods, but it still happened among the wealthy and especially the royal like King David and King Solomon. ...
牲若有疵勿献为祭 - “凡有残疾,或有什么恶病的牛羊,你都不可献给耶和华你的神,因为这是耶和华你神所憎恶的。 “在你们中间,在耶和华你神所赐你的诸城中,无论哪座城里,若有人,或男或女,行耶和华你神眼中看为恶的事,违背了他的约, 去侍奉敬拜别神,或拜日头,或拜