Bible Lyfe provides hope and encouragement from the Word of God. Find Bible verses to build your faith, heal your soul, and strengthen your discipleship.
Bible Verses About Stealing Bible Verses about Stephen Bible Verses about Stewardship Bible Verses about Stoning Bible Verses about Storms Bible Verses about Strongholds Bible Verses About Studying Bible Verses about Success Bible Verses About Suffering Bible Verses About Suicide Bible Verses about Swearing...
Child Of God,Choose,Choose God,Christ,Circumstances,Conqueror,Crush Satan,D's,Darkness,Defeated,Depleted,Depressed,Depression Gone,Destory Us,Devil's Schemes,Devil's Tactics,Devils' Dishes,Devour Your Soul,Disappointment,Disarm,Discouragement
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, our 26th president of the United States, said it best about comparison when he exuberantly stated: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” How can comparison be a thief of joy? What did Teddy mean and how can we keep it from stealing our joy today? His...
149 Bible Verses about NatureMost Relevant Verses Psalm 89:11 Verse Concepts The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;The world and all it contains, You have founded them. Isaiah 45:12 Verse Concepts “It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it.I stretched out ...
Ultimately the story is about two different kinds of love. 7:1–3 Verses 1–3 are artistically constructed. “Keep” in v. 1a recurs in v. 2a;“commands” in v. 1b recurs in v. 2a; the imperative verb “live” occurs in the very center of the three lines; v. 3, on preserving...
God knew coveting a neighbor’s servant, ox, or wife was a stepping stone to ungratefulness and discontentment – even lying, stealing, murder, and adultery. Focusing on what others have diminishes our ability to appreciate the good things in our lives. Here are 15 Bible Verses Every Christ...
The second epistle of John is extremely short, thirteen verses amounting to just a couple of paragraphs in English. It begins “from the Elder to the Chosen Lady,” which is a poetic way of talking about the church, and the letter reads like a summary of 1 John. Do not forsake the co...
Paul then went on to write in verses 8-10 ” But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour...
What God is calling us to in these verses, to be secretly generous towards the needy, is real, honest-to-goodness, heavenly secrecy. He says not even to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing! Oh, I am so bad at this. What about you? As soon as I do something ...