Below, you will find nearly 60 Bible verses associated with the word “star” or “stars”. 1. God created the stars. “God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; thestarsalso.(Genesis 1:16) 2. God established the ...
149 Bible Verses about NatureMost Relevant Verses Psalm 89:11 Verse Concepts The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;The world and all it contains, You have founded them. Isaiah 45:12 Verse Concepts “It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it.I stretched out ...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
Now I will give you some of the best and most profound verses from the Bible on the quality of love, how powerful of a thing it really is, and exactly what God the Father is looking for from each one of us in this area. I will break these Scripture verses down under their appropria...
There are several accounts of the Holy Week throughout the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Below you will find the most popular Bible verses used in Holy Week celebrations and services, including all four Gospel perspectives of Jesus's last week. ...
The first three verses spoke of two reactions when God arises, when He makes moves. Either the wicked scatter of the righteous exult, even jump for joy. David continues with the righteous, and how they are reacting to the ark of the covenant arriving from the deserts. Might David be ...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...