Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Significant OT verses concerning the soul Spirit in the New Testament Soul in the New Testament In Conclusion God is Love, but He is also holy and just Throughout this book all quotes are italicised, with Jesus’ words in red. I have used a variety of different translations of The Bible...
So I will included many Bible verses to show you where my understanding comes from and how it works in our brain. Without actual Bible verses, how could you know that what I am saying is true. Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me...
Instructions the Bible gives for repenting of this sin (newly added in this edition!) What the Bible likens a person to when he indulges in this sin, and ideas for practical object lessons using these examples. How God blesses the person who resists temptations to this sort of sin, with ...
Seven things we know about Cain: 1. He worshiped in self-will 2. He was angry with God 3. He refused to bring a sin offering 4. He murdered his brother 5. He lied to God 6. He became a vagabond 7. Nevertheless, He was the object of the divine care What the Bible Says About...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Do rebuke them when they sin, **In public so the rest may fear and learn some discipline. In Timothy I, 6 verse 6, though some may say it's moot, "The love of money is of many kinds of sin the root. For those who covet money have been lured right off the trail, And pierce ...