53 Bible Verses about The BibleMost Relevant Verses Ephesians 4:6 Verse Concepts one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Genesis 1:1 Verse Concepts In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 1 John 3:18 Verse Concepts Little children...
Seven Angels With Seven Plagues - I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them
预言巴比伦必受惩罚 - 耶和华借先知耶利米论巴比伦和迦勒底人之地所说的话。 “你们要在万国中传扬报告,竖立大旗,要报告,不可隐瞒,说:‘巴比伦被攻取,彼勒蒙羞,米罗达惊惶。巴比伦的神像都蒙羞,她的偶像都惊惶。’ 因有一国从北方上来攻击她,使她的地荒凉,无人居
Q: In 1 Ki 7:26 (KJV), what is a "bath" here? A: A bath was a unit of measure. An NIV footnote says it was about 11,500 gallons, or 44 kiloliters. Q: In 1 Ki 7:26, was the Sea of Bronze 2,000 baths, or 3,000 baths as 2 Chr 4:5 says? A: We are not sure,...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...