It's not just for studying to obtain knowledge, but it is our guide to knowing Him! We've put together a selection of some of thebest Bible versesby topic on love, fear, most quoted, etc. as a great place to get a sampling of the richness of God's Word!
Happiness is that awesome feeling when everything just seems right in the world. In the Bible, there are verses that remind us to appreciate the good times. Like in Psalm 118:24, which says, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” So, when ...
Choice Favorite Bible Verses compiled by Ken Raggio Classic Pentecostal Songs and Choruses compiled by Ken Raggio I NEED YOUR HELP Your donations will help me enroll many more subscribers to TODAY'S BIBLE STUDY, and help me to produce powerful Bible-based books, DVDs, CDs, and other product...
The above verses state the purpose and goals of spiritual mentorship, providing both exhortation and explanation concerning the development of Christ-like character: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect [spiritually mature, ...
these verses inspire creating environments where children can experience God’s love and develop their faith, such as interactive Bible lessons or mentorship programs. Churches can use these principles to ensure children are valued, protected, and included in the community, perhaps by involving them ...
We can't earn His love; it is freely given. And when we receive His love through His Son, Jesus, we also are able to truly love others. This love is called "Agape'" love. It is unmerited, unconditional, and eternal. These are some of the best Bible verses about love that are sur...
ABC Scripture Verses (printable)– This printable will give you aBible verses for kidsbased on every letter in the alphabet. Adopt one per week and find fun activities to help memorize them all. This is especially fun with preschool and kindergarten aged, who are just learning their ABCs. A...
There is also a line for each section. After you have learned all the verses you may want to start learning passages of your choice. This is where the line comes in. After you have memorized a passage of your choice write it on one of the lines in the book. Then each time the date...
Repeat verses, chapters or set timers and make LISTENING to the Bible a daily habit ANYWHERE! Download Biblically Accurate Angels There are a lot of different types of angels in the Bible. Here’s a look at each of them, and where they appear. ...
We hope you enjoyed these meaningful Bible verse coloring pages, which are inspirational as well as fun to do. Of course, the Bible is filled with thousands of other verses that all children should know about, so come back soon for more printables! 52SHARES More...