If you would like to download (and print off) the 21 Bible verses about giving, just fill in your information below: 21 Giving Bible Verses I decided to do a little study to find a bunch of verses about giving just to help me get my heart back to where it needed to be. These are...
12 Bible Verses About Helping Others Woman's Day US Current Time0:00 It's tempting to think of Thanksgiving as one day—a time to gather family around the table, to lay out aThanksgiving feast(complete with the perfectpies!), and to give thanks for our many blessings. But when we lo...
From scriptures about God's provision and blessings to those that focus on praising Him, there are many beautiful and meaningful passages that explain how and why we should give thanks to the Lord. This Thanksgiving, use one of our selected Bible verses as a focal point to pause, reflect o...
Bible Verses About Worry and Anxiety - Find comfort and peace in the Word of God that promises you hope and a future. Fear, worry, and anxiety are all weapons of Satan to keep us from trusting in God and walking by faith in Him. These emotions can ov... ...
John 4:10 - Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
Happy Thanksgiving Bible Verses 2022: You may have heard of advent countdowns to Christmas, but what about a countdown of Thanksgiving Bible verses
Verses 10-16 God has revealed true wisdom to us by his Spirit. Here is a proof of the Divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, 2Pe. 1:21 . In proof of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, observe, that he knows all things, and he searches all things, even the deep things of God. ...
Having faith in what is to come, and losing our fears in self-giving love and service for Christ will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. Have your own Bible verses about faith that you’ve found encouraging? Tell us what they are in the comments!
Verses About Charity and Hope Offer kindness and good deeds to those as a way to express your gratitude. Provide charitable acts to those in need. "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." —Colo...
Psalm 88:14-18 OLord, why do You reject my soul? Why do You hide Your face from me? I was afflicted and about to die from my youth on; I suffer Your terrors; I am overcome. Your burning anger has passed over me; Your terrors have destroyed me. ...