Tagalog English Bilingual Bible (Ang Biblia - King James Bible Version) Features: Verses of the day. Daily reading plans. App interface rotation. User friendly design. Flipping pages option. Added new setting options. Possibility to add bookmark for any verse. ...
We are pleased to offer Tagalog Bible, Ang Biblia (Filipino Version) for your iOS devices. Offered side by side with KJV/NIV/ESV English version,utilizing the power of iOS device for Tagalog speaking community in Philippines. A simple, yet a powerful design allows users to easily read the ...
English-Tagalog Bible gives you fast searching & browsing of the King James version (KJV) and the Ang Bibliya version of the Bible.
Tagalog English Bible app supports almost all Android devices. We have made this app available absolutely free for you to download and use. The Parallel English Bible is another outstanding feature in the Tagalog Bible app. English and Tagalog Bible verses can be displayed in two-pane or verse...
主要翻译 英语中文 Bible, the Biblen(religion: holy book)(基督教)SCSimplified Chinese圣经shèng jīng TCTraditional Chinese聖經 The church has Bibles and hymnals in every pew. WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文 ...
Together with our new release of the GetBible API V2, we are very excited to announce the release of the grouped verse Query API. The QUERY API is now hosted on https://query.getbible.net/v2/kjv/1 John 3:16. Why the Query API? Grouped Verses: Select specific verse groupings for ta...
Tagalog Bible Thai Bible Ukrainian Bible Uma Bible Vietnamese Bible Webster Bible Weymouth Bible World English Bible Young's Bible Abortion StatisticsBible Study Free Bible SoftwareUncopyrighted Microsoft Access Bibles Title Source Text File Download King James Bible Project Gutenburg King James Bible...
诗篇1-14 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 卷一:诗篇1—41 有福之人 1 1-2 不从恶人的计谋,不与罪人为伍,不和轻慢上帝的人同流合污,只喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜默诵,这样的人有福了!3 他就像溪水旁的树木——按时结果子,叶子也不凋零。他必凡事亨通。4 恶人的光...
Tagalog Bible Thai Bible Ukrainian Bible Uma Bible Vietnamese Bible Webster Bible Weymouth Bible World English Bible Young's Bible Abortion Statistics Free Uncopyrighted Microsoft Access Bibles TitleSource Text FileDownload King James BibleProject GutenburgKing James Bible ...
tl Tagalog tr Turkish uk Ukrainian ur Urdu vi Vietnamese zh Chinese (both traditional and simplified) When parsing a language that doesn't use Latin-based numbers (0-9), you probably want to set the non_latin_digits_strategy option to replace. When using s on the web, be sure to serv...