Verse Concepts They have gone deep in depravity As in the days of Gibeah; He will remember their iniquity, He will punish their sins. 1 Kings 17:18 Verse Concepts So she said to Elijah, “What do I have to do with you, O man of God? You have come to me to bring my iniquity to...
Philippians 4:13is a rather well-known verse, but you really need the context to really see it for the profound inspiration that it is. Paul had endured so much in his ministry: persecution, shipwrecks, betrayal. Throughout this time, he learned the secret of contentment. He wasn’t only...
VerseLocker helps you memorize Bible verses with audio and visual tools. Just add some verses to your account and start memorizing! • Completely free • Works with all Bible translations • Listen to your memory verses on a loop
But the Memory Verse Bible Storybook is... KC Bowler 被引量: 0发表: 2001年 Arabic Versification and Acrostic in West Africa: A Study of Amad Bamba's Verse Works Focusing on the Arabic writings of Amad Bamba (d. 1927), the founder of the Murid order of Senegal, this paper analyzes ...
we were clearly given a command. When we build our house on the solid rock and foundation of our relationship with Jesus Christ, His wisdom will come to us when we call upon Him. This Bible verse about wisdom tells us that the close we are to Jesus, the more wisdom and knowledge of ...
Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with tears. 1 Corinthians 10:12 Verse Concepts Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall. ...
Bible verse of the day Everyday an inspiring Bible verse! Shows the daily Bible verse of The app can also work offline, in that case
• Once a verse is memorized, you can easily review it by typing, using Flash Cards (*PRO), or with Audio playback (*PRO). • Save time. Only type the first letter of each word when using the app. (You can also type verses out completely on ...
8670 remembering The process of recalling the past, especially the presence and activity of God... 8706 apostasy, warnings against personal 8706 apostasy, warnings against personal It is possible for individuals to fall away from faith... 8707 apostasy, dealing with personal 8...
8670 remembering The process of recalling the past, especially the presence and activity of God... 8676 thanksgiving 8676 thanksgiving The offering of thanks, especially for gifts received. Scripture emphasises the... 8702 agnosticism...