and the apostle Paul perfectly captures what that something is in the second verse I will list below. Paul makes one of the most classic statements ever made on the importance of love and how this quality fits into the big picture as far as God is concerned. ...
They are beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. I was using a regular wire ring folder for my journaling until my sister gave me a beautiful journal with flowers from Paper Sunday for my birthday. My name was inside along with my name within a Bible verse each day. I look ...
I’ll buy the right to enact vengeance on whoever stole from you, by paying you back whatever was stolen from you. Oh what sweet release! When God revealed to me the truth of verse 19, I was set free in an instant of time. I’d been taken for over $100,000, and in that ...
38这位法利赛人看见耶稣饭前没有行犹太人洗手的礼仪,十分诧异。39主对他说:“你们法利赛人洗净杯盘的外面,你们里面却充满了贪婪和邪恶。40愚蠢的人啊,人里外不都是上帝所创造的吗?41只要你们发自内心地去施舍,一切对你们都是洁净的。 42“法利赛人啊,你们有祸了!你们将薄荷、茴...
We cannot ignore the Old Testament, and especially the Ten Commandment law on which so much of the teaching is based. Matthew 5:17 clearly tells us that Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but rather to fulfil them. Notice verse twenty especially, where he tells them ...
ABible Commentaryis a book which gives an explanation of the meaning of a verse or passage of Scripture. There are commentaries available for individual books of the Bible, groups of books of the Bible, or the entire Bible. There are commentaries written on a very simple level and commentarie...
You might want to also touch on the characters that didn’t get to stay in the kingdom a bit further: The final verse says “many are invited, but few are chosen” – what does that mean? (the first group of people who were invited never got to come to the party because they were...
Hence, in the very first verse of this Epistle, John writes evidently against the Gnostic error, quoting three of the five senses to prove the reality of Chrtst's humanity. (By all means, see "The Epistles of John," Cambridge Bible for Schools, etc., 17-21.) ...
Gratitude sees gifting in the most ordinary events: a night out with your spouse, an article in the newspaper that tells the truth, a verse of Scripture that bounces around in your head, an hour of quiet. Gratitude will change your life, but this is about more than gratitude. Seeing the...
The first verse really sets the stage for us as it shows us that in God’s divine grace is also His divine power. Notice that“great power”and“great grace”was on the early apostles. I believe that God is giving us a major clue in this verse is that in His divine grace is also...