Receive every-day great inspirational and personalized verses taken from the bible to get encouraged by God’s words every time you see your phone. Receive daily…
Just choose the time of day, and you will receive an inspirational Bible verse each day on your device. Features: - Daily Inspiring Bible Verses - Save your favorite verses - Set Daily Reminders to pray and study the Bible - Read the Holy Bible wherever you go (no Internet connection requ...
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--Faith. It doesn’t make things easy, it makes them possible-- Receive daily reminders with your personal bible verse right on your home screen and stay inspi…
Verse of the Day Widget: Get a daily dose of inspiration with the Verse of the Day widget. Bible study with friends Community Focus: Center your friendships around the Bible with features like Home Feed, where you can see what your friends are interested in. ...
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# Verse-A-Day Bible Verses Free最新版 Delivers a new inspirational bible verse each day that engages you with commentary, allows you to select a preferred bible translation, and provides the ability to share your experience with friends over e-mail, SMS, and social networks such as Facebook...
Let „Bible: Daily Verse“ strengthen your faith and brighten your day with godly wisdom and perspective. Download now and experience the power of God's living word daily! App 隐私 开发者“Andre Eife”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。
网络释义 1. 圣经章节 ... 3. 第一章节: Poached Eggs | ACT ONE | Pohurtd Eggs | Podiscomfortd Eggs圣经章节:Bible verse圣经章节 : Verse ...|基于6个网页 2. 经文 Church ... 标题 Title经 文Bible Verse语言 Language ... ...