This is a good verse to say to yourself as a mantra or write down in your journal as a reminder that God is with you, giving you strength, even during this time of grief. Psalm 23:4 –“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you...
It’s funny (and yet scary) when I think about it how the raging liberal and the extreme fundamentalist go to the same Bible with the same purpose of finding a verse with an explicit command.The fundamentalist takes the command to show that there is a law that should not be broken. ...
Start Reading Billy HallowellOct 26, 2023, 9:15:00 PM10 min read 20 Bible Verses about Loving Yourself The Bible offers all the instructions we need to ensure we are living a spiritually healthy life. In a gospel context, this ... ...
Our last set is a list of scriptures on overcoming anxiety. Through them, you will be able to calm yourself during tough times. You will realize how one single Bible verse can turn the odds in your favor. Bible Verses About Overcoming Fear and Anxiety ...
Life is messy, relationships are messy. Times of stress can strain relationships and we end up hurting each other and destroying the unity we have worked hard for. Satan's goal is to destroy our unity. Let's fight together toward living in peace and harmony. God has given us the ability...
Looking for that perfect bible verse to fit your situation? Try searching below to find other topics we have to help you in your journey. "Ask and You Shall Receive" Bible Verses and Meaning50 Jesus Quotes666 in the Bible - Number of the BeastAbba in the BibleAbomination in the BibleAbor...
Read this verse and think as though Jesus is saying that directly to you. It’s more reassuring that you may think. Numbers 13:20 –“And whether the land is rich or poor, and whether there are trees in it or not, be of good courage and bring some of the fruit of the land. Now...
• In times of stress or crises • In times of restlessness • To be forgiven and to forgive others • When men fail you • When people are unkind • When you’re discouraged • When you leave home or travel • When you think of investments ...
King James Verse can be used for daily devotion. The student of the Word has a KJV Bible offline or offline Bible or scriptures to use during a few minutes to grow spiritually. Some people choose to spend time in meditation as a way to reduce stress during the work day. A daily Bible...
The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; To me, this beautiful verse encapsulates exactly how I feel- children are a blessing. And when God has given us such...