Verse Concepts The Lord said to Gideon, “I will deliver you with the 300 men who lapped and will give the Midianites into your hands; so let all the other people go, each man to his home.” Joshua 9:25 Now behold, we are in your hands; do as it seems good and right in you...
And in My favor I have had compassion on you. Luke 1:58 Verse Concepts Her neighbors and her relatives heard that the Lord had displayed His great mercy toward her; and they were rejoicing with her. Luke 1:78 Verse Concepts Because of the tender mercy of our God,With which the ...
Looking for that perfect bible verse to fit your situation? Try searching below to find other topics we have to help you in your journey. "Ask and You Shall Receive" Bible Verses and Meaning 50 Jesus Quotes 666 in the Bible - Number of the Beast Abba in the Bible Abomination in the ...
The chapter and verse divisions did not appear in the original texts; they form part of the paratext of the Bible. Since the early 13th century, most copies
This verse in 1 Cor 1:25 is fulfilled because the elect are amazed at the irony of God’s end of days. He is giving words to the simple which they have no clue to what they really mean. And yet they are proclaiming Truth, deep mysteries of God before us. But also some things als...
versions of God’s Holy Word inspires me to dig deeper in the knowledge of God and His darling Son Jesus Christ who died on Calvary’s Cross for our sins. But dying isn’t all He did, on the third day He rose from the grave with all mighty power in His hands. Praise God and ...
This is the Christian who can say, "Peace be with you." Now Jesus showed His disciples the holes in His hands and the wound in His side. Then He said, "Peace be with you" (John 20:21). ...Jesus adds that we are to receive the Holy Spirit and we are to forgive one another(...
God is here to help us, always. And seriously – what can another humanreallydo to you? They’re only human, too! This verse is a good reminder of “what’s the worst that can really happen?” Ezekiel 22:14 –“Can your courage endure, or can your hands be strong, in the days ...
Did they ever wash the blood off the altars in the OT? Why has Christianity portrayed Jesus as White? Can you suggest a Bible verse for someone who has been wronged and is struggling with feelings of revenge? How do you personally understand the meaning of 'living hope?' How can we so...
Start your day right with our daily Bible verse that will point you to God's Word for encouragement, peace and healing throughout today. Uplifting Scriptures that will inspire greater faith.