遵行耶和华律法者大有福祉 - 行为完全,遵行耶和华律法的,这人便为有福! 遵守他的法度,一心寻求他的,这人便为有福! 这人不做非义的事,但遵行他的道。 耶和华啊,你曾将你的训词吩咐我们,为要我们殷勤遵守。
耶稣经受魔鬼的诱惑 - 耶稣满怀圣灵的力量,从约旦河返回。他在圣灵的引导下,来到了旷野。 他在那里度过了四十天,经受魔鬼撒旦的诱惑。这些天里,他没吃任何食物,等到四十天结束时,他感到非常饥饿。 这时,魔鬼对他说∶“如果你是上帝之子,就命令这块石头变成面包吧!
Man was made from the dust and the stone jars are symbolic of our flesh. It was symbolic of the new spiritual life Jesus would bring. It would begin with renewal of the Spirit in our bodies. Hallelujah! Welcome to fresh thinking. Everything on this site is original re...
If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.” 5 For not even His brothers were believing in Him. Verse five reminds us there is a stark difference between crowd popularity and real belief. We can give away $100 bills to all new attenders here at church, but that doesn’t...
Let facts declare themselves. Job's appeal to heaven, based upon these supposed facts, is full of pathos. You find the appeal in the sixth verse—"Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish as an hireling his day." In other words, Do not look at him, O God; but ...
It is intended that the doctrines of this book should be studied side by side with the open Bible. It is for this reason that many of the Scripture references are indicated by chapter and verse only. There must be constant reference to the Scriptures themselves. This volume is in such ...
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.’ Advancement is Meaningless –The writer concludes that it is better to be a poor and wise youth than an old but foolish king. The king can no longer heed warnings; the youth may have come from prison or been born in poverty. ...
The first verse of this chapter is intended for a title to the whole book, and it is... Verse 1 Verse 1 Here is, I. The name of the prophet, Isaiah, or Jesahiahu (for so it is in the Hebrew),... Verses 2–9 Verses 2-9 We will hope to meet with a brighter...
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.