This is a compilation of Inspirational Bible Verses that you can send in a single SMS or Twitter message. We combed through the entire Bible to bring you powerful and inspirational verses that you can use to cheer up a friend (or yourself) via SMS or Twitter. Each verse can be sent in...
The Bible verse generator makes this even easier. With a click of a button, you have a random Bible verse before you to contemplate for the rest of the day. By putting your focus onto a single Bible verse of the day, you can spend quality time considering God's words and how they ...
While you may have the best intentions to read the Bible every day, daily life can sometimes leave you short on time. While reading a single Bible verse of the day isn't as productive as reading many Bible verses for a set period of time, it can be a great way to stay connected wit...
Our last set is a list of scriptures on overcoming anxiety. Through them, you will be able to calm yourself during tough times. You will realize how one single Bible verse can turn the odds in your favor. Bible Verses About Overcoming Fear and Anxiety ...
Featured Verse Topics Healing Bible VersesWorry and Anxiety Bible VersesBible Verses About GriefComforting Bible VersesGod's Promises in the BibleBible Verses For Faith in Hard TimesEncouraging Bible VersesFriendship Bible VersesForgiveness Bible VersesStrength Bible VersesLove Bible VersesInspirational Bible...
I turn on my I Pad out of shire boredom and I'm moved to open Bible Verses. The wealth of knowledge of the Lord's love for myself and for the world moves me greatly. A verse , a single verse can change my attitude into one of gratitude Ina mili-second. This is a relationship ...
13Dispatches were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces with the order to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews—young and old, women and children—on a single day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, and to plunder their goods. ...
The Plurality in God: The very first verse of Genesis presents the plurality of God, with Genesis 1:1 using a plural subject and a singular verb, that is, In the beginning gods He created the heavens and the earth. Elohim is the plural of the typical Hebrew word for God, which is El...
Youcanchoose a single verse, otherwise entire chapter will load To Search for Words Enter the word you are looking for in the following transliterated form (Beta Code). You can alsotry searching in English(experimental) to find Greek word matches. Accents are entered as in the following table...
Bible verse of the day Vishnu Vidyadharan Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description We are happy to present our application Bible verse of the day -Promise Box. This replicates an actual Promise Box(English Bible). Our application works entirely offline. Our single-tap share opti...