Included are "101 FUN AND CREATIVE IDEAS FOR NURSING HOME MINISTRY" Your ministry group will bless and be blessed by nursing home residents! UseHEARTS TOUCHING HEARTSto facilitate your church or group in organizing a nursing home adoption ministry.HEARTS TOUCHING HEARTSis an outreach ministry that ...
Bible Verse Resources Bible Crafts Bible Worksheets Check out our Best Selling Bible Resources:Bible ABC Handwriting Worksheets Children can learn the alphabet while also learning about key Bible characters. If you're going through the alphabet in your homeschool or children's ministry you might add...
Desktop Bible Verse Wallpaper We offer an amazing collection of Christian Desktop wallpapers. Please fee free to download Christian backgrounds for personal use, non-profit, church, ministry, youth outreach and much more. View moreDesktop Wallpapersand help proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to th...
Bible Lesson Plans for Children's Ministry, Free Sunday School Ideas Bible lesson plans for kids, free Sunday school lessons, children's sermons, Bible games, Christian skits, crafts, kids church, and Bible club ideas. Bible Lesson Plans and Sunday School Activities for Kids Bible Lesson Plans...
Follow along with Refining Fire Fellowship, as Kerrigan teaches through the Gospel According to Matthew, verse by verse. Evangelism SeminarDoes your local Church need training or motivation in evangelism? We can do a 1, 2, or 3 day seminar that will impact your Church or Christian group! We...
Verse Concepts Thus says the Lord,Who gives the sun for light by dayAnd the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night,Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar;The Lord of hosts is His name: Genesis 1:20-22 Then God said, “Let the waters teem with swarms ...
6:2 The apostles know they must not “neglect the ministry of the word of God” since that is the... Ac 6:3 6:3 full of the Spirit and wisdom. Key qualities for Christian leadership. Stephen is “full of... Ac 6:5 6:5 The Seven all have...
犹太首领策划杀害耶稣 - 说完这些,耶稣又对他的门徒们说: “你们知道,后天就是逾越节了,那天人子将被交给他的敌人,钉死在十字架上。” 祭司长和年长的犹太首领聚集在大祭司该亚法家的院子里。 他们秘密策划设法逮捕耶稣,并杀害他。
Bible SuperSearch 5.6.0 has been released. This release is primarily a ministry / outreach release, and comes with the goal of adding support for many languages and people groups, especially those in areas where access to Bibles is limited or restricted. On the user interface side and on the...
The effort has generally arisen from a verse in the Qur'an which states that the coming of Muhammad was foretold in the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures. It