5:6. It appears that no funeral service was held for Ananias. They simply wound him up, carried... Ac 5:7 5:7. It is peculiar that no one was sent to inform Ananias’s widow. Perhaps the apostles forbade... Ac 5:8 5:...
犹大的下场 - 到了清晨,众祭司长和民间的长老商定要处死耶稣。 他们把祂绑起来,押送到总督彼拉多那里。 出卖耶稣的犹大看见耶稣被定了罪,感到很后悔,就把那三十块银子还给祭司长和长老,说: “我出卖了清白无辜的人,我犯罪了!” 他们说:“那是你自己的事,跟我们有
(41:1-9). Others in Judah feared Babylonian reprisal and fled to Egypt, taking Jeremiah and Baruch with them (43:4-7). By that time the prophet was probably over 70 years old. His last recorded words are found in44:24-30, the last verse of which is the only explicit reference in...
I recall attending Church once (outside of a wedding or funeral) with my parents. My grandmother, who never spoke of attending church regularly in front of me, had a soft spot for Christmas Eve mass, and, like a good son, my father indulged her, which meant we were along for the rid...
MATTHEW HENRY (1662-1714):They foolishly prescribed nuptials to one that should rather have been preparing for his funeral—but his prophets should have been consulted as well as his physicians in an affair of this nature. A. W. PINK:The Lord’sdispleasureagainst David’s weakness in consent...
The opening verse of Chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis is a repetition of things we’ve already been told before. Chapter 1 declares: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He them (Genesis 1:27).” Chapter 4 begins listing Adam’s descendants, including...
This is my favorite verse in all of Revelation! For centuries Satan tries to keep the world in spiritual darkness but he can’t keep away the light of God’s love! After the dark ages, the light of God’s love lights up the whole world! Last Tuesday evening, I walked into our group...
But neither I nor my partner of 6 years are married. So we cannot be committing adultery. Trying to make that verse about all unmarried sex is pushing it. What about all those verses against sexual immorality? Indeed, God does not approve of sexual immorality. But the Bible does not give...
You can submit your outlines and also read the outlines other preachers have submitted. You can read the outlines and the comments and you can even leave a comment yourself for the preachers about their outlines. You can even comment on the comments, if you like. ...
The line to greet Perry’s widow, Iva, went outside of the doors of the funeral home. Many people told us how God had used Perry in their lives. The outpouring of love was a testimony to Perry’s faithfulness in his service to the Lord. Yes, Perry is missed by his family, friends...