圣灵降临 - 五旬节那天,门徒聚集在一起。 忽然,天上发出一阵响声,好像狂风呼啸而过,充满了他们所在的房子, 又有火焰般的舌头显现出来,分别落在各人的头上。 大家都被圣灵充满,得到圣灵所赐的才能,说起别的语言来。
While this is clear in Romans, it is also the most plausible reading of the difficult verse in Hebrews. If in the latter passage Sarah would be the subject, the sentence would read that Sarah, "despite she was barren received the capabil- ity of sowing seed" (αὐτὴ Σάρρ...
八福- 耶稣看见这些人群,就上了山,刚坐下,门徒便走到祂跟前, 祂就开口教导他们,说: “心灵贫穷的人有福了, 因为天国是他们的。 哀痛的人有福了, 因为他们必得安慰。 谦和的人有福了,
The following is a chart that can help you keep track of your sermons and Bible classes for 2024. This chart can also help you keep a balance of the lessons you preach on a regular basis. I pray it will help you develop the habit of keeping a record of your weekly lessons. ...
This verse in which Jesus himself, who is considered the only god in human history, reveals the character of God. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for some who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." ...
Here is the verse, and then I will show you how it lines up with how the above Sinner’s Prayer is worded. “… if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to...
and was baptized of John in Jordan.” Now, in case you don’t know, Jordan is a river. It says He was baptized of John in Jordan. John the Baptist was out there in the water and Christ was baptized of him. Verse 10: “And straightway, coming up out of the water . . .” Is...
Published in 1871, offers a verse-by-verse analysis of the entire Bible, drawing on the scholarship of its three authors for a deeper understanding of the scripture. Selahattin Ülkümen Remembered on Israeli Stamps Was honored by Israel for his bravery in rescuing Jews during the Holocaust....
Robert Jastrow, a NASA astronomer, commented: "Most remarkable of all, astronomers have found proof that the universe sprang into existence abruptly, in a sudden moment of creation, as the Bible said it did" (emphasis theirs).1 There is also a relevant verse in the New Testament, Titus 1...
One way to dispose of an old Bible is to return it to the Earth with a respectful burial. The burial may be as "involved" as you'd like (within reason), though a humble burial is just as valid as one with more pomp and circumstance. Below are just a few ideas you may want to ...