kids can personalize their “I feel” moments by adding their chosen emotion and corresponding scripture verse before unleashing their creativity with colors. Compatible with thefree version of Adobe,
Proverbs 25:16 tn Most translations render the verse as a question (“Have you found honey?” so KJV, NASB, ASV) or as a condition (“if/when you find honey,” so NIV, ESV, Holman). But the Hebrew has a perfect verb form (מָצָאתָ, matsaʾta) without an int...
A gratifying emotion, used in Scripture to refer to both human and divine emotions... 5939 satisfaction 5939 satisfaction A state of contentment or fulfilment. Only God brings true satisfaction and... 5941 secrecy 5941 secrecy Behaving in a way designed to keep intention...
5. the principle of dominant effect- tying the suggestion to an already dominant belief or emotion ties the suggestion to the existing resources of the client. (Or in your case, your followers.) You assure her with the idea of the demon not being in her and validate her existing belief s...
meditate on its meaning, and understand what God wants us to do because of its message. Such is the case with many of the Psalms, the Jewish nation’s songs, filled with emotion, but also filled with truth. We can see it in Psalms 19, one of the scriptures from this week’s lection...
Cain says something to Abel, the biblical text does not mention what, Abel does not say anything back, and then in a seeming acceleration of emotion, Cain rises up and kills his brother Abel. Lee wonders aloud to the class whether Abel had any idea Cain was going to attack him: Lee:...
I can imagine how much worse things would be for me if I tried to keep all that emotion bottled up. … read more Bible Study Girl Comments Off on An Attitude of Gratitude: Tears You May Also Like Happy 36th Birthday Bible Study Brother! November 4, 2023 An Attitude of Gratitude:...
1. a syllable used for the first note in the diatonic scale in an early solminzation system and later replaced by do. 2. the syllable sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist. <Gk. -Gamut- 1. the entire scale or range;the Gamut of dramatic emotion from grief...
The position of the head often expresses an attitude or emotion. Figuratively head may... 5159 hearing 5159 hearing In Scripture, both physical hearing and spiritual apprehension. God hears the... 5164 lips 5164 lips Lips as part of the human body As a vehicle of speech 1Sa 1...
当三十年四月初五日,以西结(原文是我)在迦巴鲁河边被掳的人中,天就开了,得见 神的异象。正是约雅斤王被掳去第五年四月初五日,在迦勒底人之地、迦巴鲁河边