Consecrate; Consecrationkon'-se-krat, kon-se-kra'-shun.1. In the Old Testament:In the Old Testament for several Hebrew words of different meanings:(1) charam: "I will consecrate (the Revised Version (British and American) "devote") their gain unto the Lord," i.e. the spoil of the ...
21此时,人们都在外面等待着撒迦利亚,他们都不明白为什么撒迦利亚在大殿里面呆了这么久。22当撒迦利亚出来时,竟不能对人们讲话了,人们意识到他在大殿里看到了异象,既然撒迦利亚说不出话来,他只好向大家打手势示意。23等到在大殿里供职的日期一到,他便回家去了。 24...
12因此,我们既然有这么一大群见证人,如同云彩围绕着我们,就让我们脱去各样的重担和容易缠累我们的罪,藉着忍耐去跑那摆在我们前面的赛程,2仰望信仰的创始者和成终者耶稣。他为了[a]那摆在他前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架,如今坐在神宝座的右边。 为父的管教 3其实,你们应当仔细地思想耶稣...
We find another example of this interrogative figure of speech in Luke 4 verse 22. Because of the gracious words that proceeded out of Jesus’ mouth, the people assumed that he was a sage from a far-off land with new found wisdom, and yet the interrogation in negative affirmation “is no...
The nezer had a twofold use as the crown of consecration: (a) It was placed as a frontlet on the miter of the high priest, being tied with a blue lace (Ex 39:30). The priestly crown was a flat piece of pure gold, bearing the inscription, "Holy to Yahweh," signifying the consec...
” And what is even more shocking from a Catholic standpoint, concerning the words of Mary in Luke 1:34 (clumsily translated “I do not know man”) we find the explanation: “Scholars generally explain this verse as a literary form emphasizing the faith of the first-century church in the...
In the earth three and a half years from the time of his consecration and baptism, Jesus was preparing the Jews for the harvest of that age. We should expect to find a parallel of this reference to the harvest of the gospel age, and we do find it. Counting three and a half years ...
verse in question. 120 years is nothing to do with the lifespan of man either as I have heard this being said also. So to clarify and restate, the meaning of the verse is as follows. God’s anger, impatience temper was only going to strive with man for another 120 years while Noah...
The term "kings" refers to those in positions of power and authority. In the Greek, "basileōn" denotes rulers or sovereigns. Historically, kings were seen as the ultimate authority on earth, often considered untouchable. However, this verse underscores that no earthly power can withstand the ...
The cross we are called to bear is not a cross of suffering. Rest assured, we will go through suffering in this life, but it is not to pay for our sins.Our cross is a cross of consecration.Our suffering is to bring glory to God as we learn to live in the fullness of the Spirit...