“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Corinthians 13:8) What does it mean when Paul writes that “love never fails”? The love spoken about in 1 ...
While some may wish to debate this reading, since the verse can be read as an abstract statement about faith, literally, “not from that which is visible did the things that are seen come into being,” I shall nevertheless treat it as if it did proclaim this doctrine. For this allows ...
Bible Study Online - Verse-by-verse Bible study and Biblical commentary. This Bible study is in-depth but uses plain English that everyone can understand. Pastors use this study, as do new believers and even non-Christians.
10 Poems Celebrating Christmas with Jesus: In Verse Joy Education and Literature Rhema Word: Unveiling Its Meaning and Definition Education and Literature Adonai Meaning: Unraveling the Hebrew Name for God Education and Literature Soli Deo Gloria Decoded: Uncover Its Deep Meaning!
Ellicott’s Commentaryexpands on the context of this verse in this way; on “the truth will set you free” it adds that “truth and holiness are spoken of as correlative,” as read inJohn 17:17. The verse says, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth...
“Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”– Genesis 6:22 What Does Genesis 6:22 Mean? In this verse, we see a crucial moment in the life of Noah, an exemplary … Finish Up Watch Our Latest Video Subscribe To Our Channel ...
The Beatitudes: List and Verse Meaning Explained Parable of the Prodigal Son - Bible Story The Good Samaritan - Bible Story The Parable of the Sower - Bible Story Popular Articles 13 Wise Proverbs to Guide Your Daily Walk 5 Reasons Christians Were Created to Be Creative ...
Bible Verse About Drawing Near to God: James 4:8 Explained Introduction: The Key Bible Verse About Drawing Near to God When we draw near to God, how should we approach Him? James 4:8 serves as a pivotal bible verse about drawing near to God, stating, “Draw near to God and He will...
(explained as a corruption of Birj Nimroud, "Tower of Nimrod"). This building, however, notwithstanding its importance, was to all appearance never regarded by the Babylonians as the Tower of Babel, for the very good reason that it was not situated in Babylon, but in Borsippa, which, ...
Many misread the “day and hour” verse by disregarding the verse right before it. It is written: Mt 24:35,36–“HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY,” BUT MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY. BUT OF “THAT” DAY AND HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN (the day and hour of the heaven and earth passing ...