(Twice daily therapy where I lie on the bed and and get repeatedly and painlessly smacked on my chest wall and back with a cupped hand – the percussion and vibrations loosen any mucus that may be sticking to my lungs, thus keeping them as clear as possible.) The talks came from some ...
In fact, when He hung on that cross, His rib cage was lifted up into a position to where He couldn’t get a breath of air. He had to push Himself up with His nail-torn feet. Oh, what excruciating pain that must have been. And it was for you and for me. While on this cross...
Lie No. 2: The unborn are not human until they take their first breath. Science informs us that the unborn child does breathe in utero through her umbilical cord attached to mother. I once asked an abortionist: After a baby is born, he is holding his breath, right? Yes, he said. So...