When we are looking to ask God for wisdom, scripture tells us that wisdom is taught by the Holy Spirit. We can ask the Spirit for guidance and knowledge of God's will in order to gain more wisdom. This Bible verse about wisdom tells us that the person without the Spirit is foolish, ...
Verse Concepts “You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. Ezekiel 9:4 Verse Concepts The Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city...
Featured Verse Topics Healing Bible VersesWorry and Anxiety Bible VersesBible Verses About GriefComforting Bible VersesGod's Promises in the BibleBible Verses For Faith in Hard TimesEncouraging Bible VersesFriendship Bible VersesForgiveness Bible VersesStrength Bible VersesLove Bible VersesInspirational Bible...
Meaning:The first part of this verse is often quoted at weddings, but many people don't know the words that follow that deal with holding tightly to your partner. That's what unity in relationships is all about—holding on in the good times and the bad, no matter what. 27. Ruth 1:1...
Verse Concepts Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he *said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” ...
South ArabianBiblemanuscripts it follows the Aramaicversebyverse,asthe Aramaic follows the Hebrew. mb-soft.com mb-soft.com 它仍是这一天的国家版本来说,犹太人在阿拉伯语:它是有尊严的名称是“根”,以及在南方的许多手稿阿拉伯圣经它遵循的阿拉姆语诗诗,由于阿拉姆如下希伯来文。
Featured Verse Topics Healing Bible VersesWorry and Anxiety Bible VersesBible Verses About GriefComforting Bible VersesGod's Promises in the BibleBible Verses For Faith in Hard TimesEncouraging Bible VersesFriendship Bible VersesForgiveness Bible VersesStrength Bible VersesLove Bible VersesInspirational Bible...
These are only a few examples of how this random Bible verse generator can help you learn more about the Bible and thus get closer to God and His words. While it'll never replace reading directly from the Bible, it can be an excellent way to supplement your Bible reading. This is espec...
Bible Verse For Passing Of A Loved One How Bible Verses Dealing With Death Can Help With Loss If faith is a big part of your life, or the life of your loved one, turning to the Bible’s timeless wisdom can significantly help with the healing process. Biblical verses have been used for...
Bible Verses Images About Faith. Bible verse images, pictures, quote and verses of the day! http://www.bible-sms.com - Bible SMS