Verse Concepts from whomthe whole body, being fitted and held togetherby what every joint supplies, according to theproper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itselfin love. Holiness, Believers' Growth In ...
Where's that Bible verse? ebible Fellowship’s radio schedule./alfloyd Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. – Amo 3:7 KJV Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time ...
This is the type of clear, decisive, and to-the-point verse I have been asking for. However, as I would later find out, this verse is now universally recognized as being a later "insertion" of the Church and all recent versions of the Bible, such as the Revised Standard Version the ...
To call the Lord“the true God” means that he alone has in his being... 1160 God, unchangeableness of 1160 God, unchangeableness of God’s nature, plans and actions do not change even though he is... 1175 God, will of 1175 God, will of The intent and purpose...
The phrase "corrupted the earth" uses the Greek word "phtheirō," meaning to destroy or ruin. This suggests a profound moral and spiritual decay brought about by the "great prostitute." The term "immorality" is translated from "porneia," which encompasses a range of illicit sexual behaviors...
In the NASB, that verse contains the phrase, “this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia.” Obviously Hagar is not literally Mount Sinai in Arabia—Hagar is a woman! For this reason, the CSB translates the phrase this way: “Hagar represents Mount Sinai in Arabia.” The book of Revelation ...
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was
(AW) 12 God saw how corrupt(AX) the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.(AY) 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy(AZ) both ...
The verse indeed calls for incest rape. Here is the more accurate translation: Song of Songs 8:8 Our sister is little, and hath no breasts. What shall we do to our sister before the day she marries? The gospel of porn's slang translation: Our little sister (many Christians consider thi...
(verse 11). Therefore “a son of 600 years” does not mean that Noah was 600 years old as we understand it, but that he wasinhis 600th year, still unexpired. In our modern reckoning we say that a child is so many months old in his first year. He reaches his first birthday at ...