Notice the first verse is telling us not to rejoice and be happy when God does have to move into battle to defeat our enemies. The reason for this is because your enemy has now been placed under judgment with God, and God is now deeming that some kind of appropriate action has to be...
圣灵降临 - 五旬节那天,门徒聚集在一起。 忽然,天上发出一阵响声,好像狂风呼啸而过,充满了他们所在的房子, 又有火焰般的舌头显现出来,分别落在各人的头上。 大家都被圣灵充满,得到圣灵所赐的才能,说起别的语言来。
仰望耶稣 - 既然有这么多见证人像云彩一般围绕着我们,我们就要放下一切重担,摆脱容易缠累我们的罪,以坚忍的心奔跑我们前面的赛程, 定睛仰望为我们的信心创始成终的耶稣。祂为了摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的痛苦,如今已坐在上帝宝座的右边。 你们要思想
This is a word study in the above verse to prepare us to study the Bible. THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS LOOMING Matthew 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. Many aspects of the Great Tribulation are being seen in their early warning stage. What does this mean to Bible believers? This...
The reason baptism is not repeated in the second part of this verse is because there is no water baptism unless repentance takes place first. Any church that does sprinkling baptism IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL INSTITUTION. This easy to navigate Bible site is among the most complete on the net. ...
The reason baptism is not repeated in the second part of this verse is because there is no water baptism unless repentance takes place first. Any church that does sprinkling baptism IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL INSTITUTION. This easy to navigate Bible site is among the most complete on the net. ...
The reason baptism is not repeated in the second part of this verse is because there is no water baptism unless repentance takes place first. Any church that does sprinkling baptism IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL INSTITUTION. This easy to navigate Bible site is among the most complete on the net. ...
The reason baptism is not repeated in the second part of this verse is because there is no water baptism unless repentance takes place first. Any church that does sprinkling baptism IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL INSTITUTION. This easy to navigate Bible site is among the most complete on the net. ...
1. Death and Life Are in the Power of the Tongue The very first verse I will list below is the one that will tell us that death and life are in the power of the tongue. The rest of the verses will further extend off this revelation with some very interesting wording being used by ...
The reason baptism is not repeated in the second part of this verse is because there is no water baptism unless repentance takes place first. Any church that does sprinkling baptism IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL INSTITUTION. This easy to navigate Bible site is among the most complete on the net. ...