"all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father" Jn. 5:23 "I am the bread of life," "of heaven," "of God" Jn. 6: 32-33, 35, 41, [48,] 51 Just seeing Christ is reason enough to believe in Him Jn. 6:36 [56] Drink "My blood" and eat "My flesh" Jn. 6:53...
It’s funny (and yet scary) when I think about it how the raging liberal and the extreme fundamentalist go to the same Bible with the same purpose of finding a verse with an explicit command. The fundamentalist takes the command to show that there is a law that should not be broken. ...
Here’s what the verse prints looked like: Yeah,NotSoMuch. Problem number one: the photo print background didn’t turn out bright white, so it clashed with the white mats. Problem number two: apparently I cut straight lines like a five-year-old. The mats were not straight or even. Or...
I am not talking about predictive prophecy or types and shadows as they are commonly taught. But I am talking about seeing Jesus (Heb 2:9). The aspect of Jesus I am seeing is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Jesus is The Promised Seed, singular inGal 3:16. In ...
Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching Greidanus’ Ways to Christ, part 1 Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching Read Homiletical Commentaries Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching The Prophets, Jesus, and Justice Bible,Jesus,Preaching
flowers from Paper Sunday for my birthday. My name was inside along with my name within a Bible verse each day. I look forward to journaling each day and also look forward to seeing the verse of the day with my name. Some days the verse is just what I needed for that particular day...
Here is the verse that tells us that the very first man, Adam, was alsocreatedby God, and that he did not progressively evolve over any type of period of time: “And the Lord FORMED MAN of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became ...
Seeing The Future In Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Asia, Britain, Europe, and Israel Two Backpackers... Great Expectations For Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Asia, Britain, Europe, and Israel Two Backpackers... The Explorers Head Out, Following The Eternity Road... Two Backpackers... A New ...
Seeing The Future In Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Asia, Britain, Europe, and Israel Two Backpackers... Great Expectations For Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Asia, Britain, Europe, and Israel Two Backpackers... The Explorers Head Out, Following The Eternity Road... Two Backpackers... A New ...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f