The rules and regulations regarding the conduct of the priests and people of... 7434 sacrifice 7434 sacrifice An important aspect of the relationship between God and humanity but whereas the... 7435 sacrifice, in OT 7435 sacrifice, in OT An act that involved offer...
The regulations governing Jewish religious life and worship, especially sacrifices,... 7424 ritual law 7424 ritual law The rules and regulations regarding the conduct of the priests and people of... 7426 ritual washing 7426 ritual washing The act...
This is a very important question.Our concept of God will determine everything.It will determine our faith, our values, and our actions. If we dismiss the reality of our Creator then we will live a life creating our own rules and reality. If we view God as a harsh judge we will fear...
Compare Bible translations of Numbers 9:3 using all available Bible versions and commentary. "Celebrate it at the appointed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of this month, in accordance with all its rules and regulations"
We are so far beyond all those rules and regulations and laws and judgments! For He (God) has made him (Jesus Christ) to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (Christ). II Corinthians 5:21 If I keep doing what I did that one ...
It meant the ordinances, rules, and regulations of men, including the oral law. It meant all the laws of the Old Testament. It was impossible to keep all those old laws. Act 15:10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathe...
Notice verse 15 says,“Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them…”. I especially like the English Standard Version (ESV) of the passage –“Jesus himself drew near…”The thought here isn’t that these two disciples were simply geographically distant, but that their FAITH was dis...
1.The very first verse is from the Book of Leviticus back in the Old Testament. God was telling His chosen people what they could and could not do in their personal relationship and interaction with Him. As we all know, God gave them quite a bit of rules, regulations, and commandments ...
But once accepted they took a higher place than the office-bearers, they presided at the Lord's Supper, and their judgment in cases of discipline could overbear ordinary ecclesiastical rules. The contest of Cyprian with the "confessors" at Carthage was the last stage of the long struggle ...
If you died with Christ to the way the world thinks and acts, why do you submit to rules and regulations as though you were living in the world? CJB If, along with the Messiah, you died to the elemental spirits of the world, then why, as if you still belonged to the world, are ...