圣灵的来临 - 五旬节 到了,他们都聚在一个地方。 突然,从天上传来一个声音,好似狂风大作一般,充满了他们所在的屋子。 一团火舌般的烈焰出现在他们面前,然后分别落在了每个人的身上。所有的人于是都充满了圣灵, 并且按照圣灵赐予的能力,开始讲不同的语言。
约翰为耶稣准备道路 - 上帝之子 耶稣基督的福音是这样开始的: 先知以赛亚的书上写道: “听着!在你之前, 我(上帝)要派出我的使者, 他将为你准备好道路。” “旷野里有个呼唤着的人, ‘为主准备好道路。 修直他的路。’”
I just read what you said Diane and please know the lord will not ever leave your side but there comes a time when we must ask for forgiveness by repenting our sins plus rebuking the devil in the name of jesus. Remember as long as you have faith as big as a mustard seed our lord ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...
Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly, many “so-called” Christians don't have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to God′s WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for ...