Great App. I will soon purchase the Bible from the same developer. This apps is very supportive to those who are willing to learn about His teaching Very very very helpful for me I’m being to study and understand the bible from the morning verse s love it Fantastic, verses on your fin...
引言- 提阿费罗大人哪,在前一卷书中,我确实写了有关耶稣开始做的和教导的一切事, 一直到他藉着圣灵吩咐了他所拣选的使徒们之后,被接升天的那一天为止。 耶稣受难之后,用很多确据向这些人显明自己是活着的。他在四十天的时间里向他们显现,并且讲说有关神国的事。 应许
Let us re-read verse 8 in this passage: “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” When I discovered these power-packed verses in 2 Peter, it became obvious to me that it represen...
“Because the Greek word translatedmasteriskurios(‘lord’), some have thought that it was God whopraised the unrighteous manager. However, it is much more likely that the story ends in the middle of verse 8. Thus, it was the landowner rather than God who offered praise, and he did so...
Steps, similarly, can symbolize the progression of faith or spiritual growth. Psalm 37:23 states, "The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey." This verse highlights the idea that God guides the faithful in their spiritual journey, step by step.The Number...
1 This verse is not only one of the most important in Acts, it is also one of the most... Ac 6:2-4 2-4 The apostles' response in this matter was to call the Christians together and suggest a... Ac 6:5-6 5-6 The apostles made a proposal, ...
Book Study • Verse Study • Study Que SummaryThe Church at Jerusalem and Antioch Acts 11 highlights the rapid growth of the early church, transcending cultural and ethnic boundaries. This progression, marked by the inclusive spirit and charity among believers, underscores the essence of Christian...
and following a daily Bible reading plan such as the One Year Bible online ensures that you hear every single verse of the Bible. Through this discipline, you learn more about God than ever before. By reading parts of the Bible you've never encountered before in a progression that makes it...
statement of the museum from its earliest days, when founders said they aimed to prove the authority of the Bible, to a new, more neutral goal of inviting people to learn more about the Bible. Museum president Cary Summers described the change as a natural progression as the project moved...
14 Recherchez la paix avec tous et la progression dans la sainteté: sans elle, personne ne verra le Seigneur. 15 Veillez à ce que personne ne se prive de la grâce de Dieu, à ce qu'aucune racine d'amertume, produisant des rejetons, ne cause du trouble et que beaucoup n’en ...