In the verse, Solomon is constructing a Temple for the Lord. Part of its construction is described as follows: And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and its height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it...
I’ll buy the right to enact vengeance on whoever stole from you, by paying you back whatever was stolen from you. Oh what sweet release! When God revealed to me the truth of verse 19, I was set free in an instant of time. I’d been taken for over $100,000, and in that ...
Job 29:4 tc The word סוֹד (sod) in this verse is an infinitive construct, prefixed with the temporal preposition and followed by a subjective genitive. It forms a temporal clause. There is some disagreement about the form and its meaning. The confusion in the versions shows that...
亚伯拉罕买地葬撒拉 - 撒拉享年一百二十七岁, 在迦南境内的基列·亚巴,即希伯仑去世。亚伯拉罕在那里痛哭,哀悼她。 他从妻子尸体旁边站起来对赫人说: “我是寄居在你们这里的异乡人,请你们给我一块地,我好埋葬我的亡妻。”
Look at verse 8 once again. What did the guy do after he was healed? He praised God, loudly I’m sure, with excitement and enthusiasm. People who’ve given up on God, who hate God, who are mad at God, don’t praise or acknowledge God. The fact that this beggar went into the ...
But there it is revealed that we, today, are a people of but little strength - little power (verse 8)! - within ourselves though we have faithfully KEPT GOD’S WORD! The impact of this WORK OF GOD today is going out only through the power of God! Are you having your part in this...
There’s a verse for that, and it goes, “Don’t worry about anything” (Philippians 4:6). If we are told not to worry, then there must be things to worry about. I had to hurry up and quote scripture there, before you thought that I might be crazy. Sometimes, this is as good...
"Shallum ... repaired the next section with the help of his daughters" (verse 12). Building isn't considered "woman's work," but Shallum's daughters are heavily involved in their father's project. Rebuilding the Gates Several times we read about the rebuilding of a gate. "They laid...
Next verse, 16:26… “BUT NOW is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:” Is God choosing this time period (very early in the first century AD) to make known this...
Matthew 21:44 Some manuscripts do not have this verse, which indicates that both hostility and apathy are wrong responses to Christ. It may be an early addition to this Gospel based on Lk 20:18. Matthew 22:1 The meaning of this parable is similar to that of the preceding one. The Mess...