13还 有人讥诮说 : 他们无非是新酒灌满了。 14彼 得和十一个使徒站起 , 高声说 : 犹太人和一切住在耶路撒冷的人哪 , 这件事你们当知道 , 也当侧耳听我的话。 15你 们想这些人是醉了 ; 其实不是醉了 , 因为时候刚到巳初。 16这 正是先知约珥所说的 : 17神 说 : 在...
As with .parse(), it returns the bcv object and is suitable for chaining. Use this function if you have a string that starts with what you suspect is a reference and you already know the context. For example, maybe you're parsing a footnote that refers to "verse 16," and you know ...
遵行耶和华律法者大有福祉 - 行为完全,遵行耶和华律法的,这人便为有福! 遵守他的法度,一心寻求他的,这人便为有福! 这人不做非义的事,但遵行他的道。 耶和华啊,你曾将你的训词吩咐我们,为要我们殷勤遵守。
I enjoy reading from this particular volume。 The layout and typeset makes for easy reading and encourages reading in larger chunks。 Chapter numbers are noted, but individual verse numbering has been removed (the page header designates chapters/verses on the page)。
(verse 11). Therefore “a son of 600 years” does not mean that Noah was 600 years old as we understand it, but that he wasinhis 600th year, still unexpired. In our modern reckoning we say that a child is so many months old in his first year. He reaches his first birthday at ...
(Luke 2:8). When Jesus is tempted, and again during the agony at Gethsemane, angels appear to Him to strengthen His soul (Matthew 4:11;Luke 22:43). The verse which tells how an angel came down to trouble the pool (John 5:4) is now omitted from the text as not being genuine. ...
THE EDITOR:At end of 2 Samuel 23, there is a twenty-two verse list—a distinct numbering of all David’s mighty men, which hints at his growing dependence on them, due to his increasing incapacity from old age. Subtly, little by little, David was drifting into that old folly of not ...
Ain/Ain Soph/Ain Soph Aur…in the stars they are grinding out plenty,on the earth grinding out salt (the salt of the earth) and finally the maelstrom of the sea mill,which grinds out the old and births the new! Jesus uses the imagery of the millstone being thrown into the sea also ...
Bitesize reflections on chapters of the Bible Menu Mark 1 – A challenge to Roman politics and religion A bitesize look at the first verse of the Gospel of Mark in the Bible. ‘The beginning of the Good news about Jesus the Messiah, the son of God’ is a direct challenge to the Roman...
The angel asked a series of question of Joey: "How many day are there in a week?" "How many colors in a rainbow are visible?" The answer was 'seven'. The angel asked, "What about the verse in the Bible: the something son of the something son?" Joey answered, "Well its the sev...