The verse from Hebrews 3:19 is talking about all of the Israelites 20 years and older who died out in the wilderness in the story of Moses. They were not able to enter into the Promised Land – all because they did not have enough faith and belief in God that He could actually defeat...
Not Afraid Bible VersesBe Still and Know That I Am GodBedtime Bible VersesBible Verse About RocksBible Verse for AthletesBible Verses about a Broken HeartBible Verses about AaronBible Verses about AbigailBible Verses about AbortionBible Verses about AbsalomBible Verses about AbstinenceBible Verses ...
1做神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各,请散住十二个支派之人的安! 2我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐,3因为知道,你们的信心经过试验就生忍耐。4但忍耐也当成功,使你们成全、完备,毫无缺欠。 要凭着信心求 5你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐于众人也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。6只...
There are people out there getting by with murder— stealing and lying and cheating. They rip off the poor and exploit the unfortunate, Push the helpless into the ditch, bully the weak so that they fear for their lives. The poor, like stray dogs and cats, scavenge for food in back alle...
Notice the first verse is telling us not to rejoice and be happy when God does have to move into battle to defeat our enemies. The reason for this is because your enemy has now been placed under judgment with God, and God is now deeming that some kind of appropriate action has to be...
Midnight Mass did not provide many answers about its take on an angel. But the Bible the show took its story from provides all the answers we need.
Which verse says Caesar was morally justified in invading and conquering Israel, and putting Israel under tribute? When Jesus said, "Resist not evil," "Go the second mile," and "Render unto Caesar," He was de-legitimizing violent revolution by the "Second Amendment" crowd of His day, who...
(Note that God approves of this slaughter in verse 6.) Bible Quote for August 8 Ten Thousand Murdered at God’s Command After Joshua died, the Israelites asked the LORD, “Which tribe should attack the Canaanites first?” The LORD answered, “Judah, for I have given them victory over ...
remembered hearing someone before reference this verse trying to destroy the Adventist understanding of the sanctuary. So I thought, in the spirit of the Bereans, I need to check this out. I quickly found that the KJV does not say “Most Holy Place” in this verse. It only says “Holy ...
InColossians 3:9, Paul highlighted the importance of honesty among fellow believers. There, he encourages believers not to lie to each other. In this verse, he suggests attribute believers ought to express toward each other- ‘bearing with one another.’ ...