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Verse Concepts After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, “Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it.” Deuteronomy 17:19 Verse Concepts It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life...
Verse Concepts And it shall serve as a sign to you on your hand, and as a reminder on your forehead, that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth; for with a powerful hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt. Exodus 13:16 Verse Concepts So it shall serve as a sign on your...
Meaning:This Bible verse is about love and marriage, and is among the most famouslove quotesever since it describes the beautiful characteristics of love and marriage. It emphasizes that no matter how gifted you are, if you don't have love you are nothing. This Bible quote about love can ...
the Bible Armageddon in the Bible Ash Wednesday Bible Verses Astrology in the Bible Baby Dedication Bible Verses Be Not Afraid Bible Verses Be Still and Know That I Am God Bedtime Bible Verses Bible Verse About Rocks Bible Verse for Athletes Bible Verses about a Broken Heart Bible Verses about...
"Happy are the people whose God is the Lord" Psalm 144:15. Scripture guides us to true happiness through knowing the promises in God's Word! Top Bible Verses for Happiness Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the ...
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) a)You first have to look at these verses in the above chronological order as they are being presented. The very first verse sets the entire stage on what faith is all about with the Lord. This very...
Verses For The Death Of A Friend Losing a friend can feel just like losing a family member. Grieving them will never be easy, but knowing that you aren’t dealing with it alone can always help. These Bible verses about losing a friend may be thousands of years old, but the speak to ...
These are only a few examples of how this random Bible verse generator can help you learn more about the Bible and thus get closer to God and His words. While it'll never replace reading directly from the Bible, it can be an excellent way to supplement your Bible reading. This is espec...
Satan told Eve if she ate of the forbidden fruit, she would be like God: “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5). Her puffed up vision of herself and unwillingness to submit to God’s ...