Another good possibility Jesus delayed was to make sure Lazarus was indeed dead so that when He raised him, there would be no question as to the miracle of his resurrection. The other two instances of Jesus raising people to life wereimmediatelyafter their deaths (the widow’s son inLuke 7...
Today, we're digging into a story of grief and joy in John 11, the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We'll see the profound ways in which Jesus interacts with individuals experiencing grief and sorrow, demonstrating compassion and understanding by meeting each person where they ar...
11:1–44 The raising of Lazarus is the seventh and greatest of the signs, pointing to Jesus’... Jn 11:1 11:1 Lazarus. Mentioned only in chs. 11–12 of John’s Gospel (the name is found also in the... Jn 11:2 11:2 poured perfume. See 12:3 and note. Jn...
Many biblical figures express grief, demonstrating that it is a natural and human reaction to loss. For instance, King David mourned the death of his son Absalom intensely, as depicted in2 Samuel 18:33. Jesus himself displayed grief when He wept at the tomb of His friend Lazarus inJohn 11...
Jesus can do even more than you might think possible. He has greater plans for you than you can even imagine. Let him guide your thoughts and actions and prepare to be amazed! You can read about the raising of Lazarus from the dead in the Bible in ...
The crowd let out a communal gasp. Many had heard the rumours- lepers who had been made clean, mad men who were calmed, even a man called Lazarus over in Bethany who seems to have been raised up out of his own tomb. But talk was cheap and anyway things like that never happened in...
Jesus introduces the parable, and then just a little later he will explain it. Continue reading → Posted in Mark | Tagged Mark 4:1-9, parable of soils, Parable of sower, Verse by verse Bible study | Leave a reply Jesus Teaches His Kingdom Citizens about Divorce Posted on December 16...
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This verse reminds us that God’s peace ...
犹太首领策划杀害耶稣 - 说完这些,耶稣又对他的门徒们说: “你们知道,后天就是逾越节了,那天人子将被交给他的敌人,钉死在十字架上。” 祭司长和年长的犹太首领聚集在大祭司该亚法家的院子里。 他们秘密策划设法逮捕耶稣,并杀害他。
Raising of Lazarus in BethanyFree chapter: John 2 (165 slides)Price: $89 $69“This is a tremendous resource. As great as the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands is, I predict the Photo Companion to the Bible will be even more helpful for the preacher and teacher.”—...