When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died, He shared in the grief of the man’s sisters and friends. He did this even though He knew He could and would raise Lazarus from the dead! This verse shows us the depth of Jesus’ love. He wasn’t faking sadness, He really felt it. Because of that...
Meaning:This Bible verse is about love and marriage, and is among the most famouslove quotesever since it describes the beautiful characteristics of love and marriage. It emphasizes that no matter how gifted you are, if you don't have love you are nothing. This Bible quote about love can ...
Romans 10:17 Verse Concepts So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Bible Theasaurus Faith(788 instances) Trust(351 instances)
Verse Concepts Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shallrescue you, and you willhonor Me.” Privileges of saints »Partaking of the divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 Verse Concepts For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificentpromises, so that by them you may becomepartaker...
God brought me to a verse that had the numbers 137 just like in Luke 1:37. A few weeks later God gave me an even greater blessing within my trial. I realized I was going in the wrong direction. God put the roadblock so I would take a different route. If He didn’t put the road...
Jesus himself displayed grief when He wept at the tomb of His friend Lazarus in John 11:35. Support and Community in Grief: The importance of community support during times of grief is emphasized. Romans 12:15 encourages believers to "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who ...
Looking for that perfect bible verse to fit your situation? Try searching below to find other topics we have to help you in your journey. "Ask and You Shall Receive" Bible Verses and Meaning 50 Jesus Quotes 666 in the Bible - Number of the Beast Abba in the Bible Abomination in the ...
There are also great verses about love in relation to marriage, brotherly love or friendship, and loving your neighbor. Here is a collection of some of the greatest love quotes from the Bible. What is your favorite love Bible verse? Share it with us in the comments!
Bible Verse Images About Love. Bible verse images, pictures, quote and verses of the day! http://www.bible-sms.com - Bible SMS
Being worried about getting sick has become a common concern for most people in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hand sanitizer is still being passed around, masking is still required in some doctors’ offices, and one can never be too careful around those who have disclosed any sort...