53 Bible Verses about The BibleMost Relevant Verses Ephesians 4:6 Verse Concepts one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Genesis 1:1 Verse Concepts In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 1 John 3:18 Verse Concepts Little children...
Caring For The Elderly Isaiah 46:4 Verse Concepts Even to your old ageIwill be the same, And even to yourgraying years I will bear you! I havedone it, and I will carry you; And I will bear you and I will deliver you. Caring For The Sick ...
Numbers 31: 14-18 Moses tells his men to kill all the males, non-virginal women, elderly and children of the Midianite tribe. Of course, the virgin women are kept for raping. If you read later down in the scripture God states that the Jews can not even marry a Midianite woman (with...
10因为凡祈求的,就得到;寻找的,就找到;敲门的,就为他开门。11你们当中有哪个做父亲的,儿子要鱼[d],反而拿蛇当做[e]鱼给他呢[f]?12儿子要鸡蛋,却给他蝎子呢[g]?13所以,如果你们做为恶人也知道把好的东西给自己的儿女,更何况天上的父要赐圣灵给求他的人呢!” 自相纷争 14有一次,耶稣正...
差遣十二使徒 - 耶稣召集了十二个使徒,赐他们能力和权柄可以医病赶鬼, 又差遣他们出去宣讲上帝国的福音、医治病人。 耶稣叮嘱他们:“出门的时候,什么也不要带,不要带手杖、背包、干粮、金钱,也不要带两件衣服。 有人家接待你们,就住下来,一直住到你们离开。
Side note:I believe training our children to be in subjection is a key ingredient to them also reverencing the elderly and those in the authority, and especially yielding to the Heavenly Father in their adulthood. “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be...
The most famous verse in the Bible is broken down for you, bit by bit. Continue reading → Posted in John | Tagged Bible Study series, Doers of wickedness hate the light, For God so loved the world, John 3:16-21, Verse by verse Bible study | Leave a reply Elderly Prophetess ...
When God created the first man and woman in His image, the relationship of God and mankind was very close like father and children (Genesis 1:27). As the father, God not only created a good environment for Adam and Eve to live, but guided them to marriage and form a family (Genesis...
Not honoring your Father and Mother, the Elderly Not Reading to Understand the Bible Not taking Communion, so you can forgive Not obeying Civil or Federal Law to Wear a Mask; even as Death Toll is at 4 Million Cases and Over 160 Thousand Deaths ...
Verse Concepts having eyes full of adultery that never cease from sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart trained in greed, accursed children; Luke 8:5-15 "The sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell beside the road, and it was trampled under foot and the...