Next Steps to Begin Building a Legacy If you don’t already, spend time in God’s word to see what else He says about generosity, planning, andfamily. Begin learning and practicingcontentment. You can’t build a legacy if you’re trying to keep up with the Joneses!
Verse Concepts and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, Romans 5:3-4 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and...
Chapter numbers are noted, but individual verse numbering has been removed (the page header designates chapters/verses on the page)。 Samuel , 2024-02-09 00:00 pretty mid tbh especially considering there's a whole religion around it。 I don't get the hype pretty mid tbh especially ...
The entire Bible is the story of ideals that come into being through a process of enlightenment. One idea leads to another and this brings about a lineage of many truths that stack up upon each other. All these ideas are seen in the stories as people, but hidden in their names and in ...
1about presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice and think it is something we are doing or being by our religious adherence. However, the answer comes later inRomans 12:5. If we would just take that verse to heart, then we would not have this self-centric – I mean Christian-centric...
Matthew 14:19 NKJV One verse has the power to break heaven wide open for you. One verse can let you know that God sees you, hears you and is concerned about you. One verse can give you the push to go into your next phase. Well, let me be clear. One verse did it for ME on ...
Do not put ME into your mindset and system of thinking, I am away above and beyond mans thinking and ways. In verse 10 to 12 we see Gods Word is like the rain that falls from heaven, it waters the ground and the ground produces fruit which we eat. When God’s Word is preached, ...
I know others will debate various aspects of this verse, but the point Bailey is making is that if such is the case, we had always been told otherwise, will we persist in reading Scripture with “colored glasses,” or will we change our understanding to conform to Scripture? We must ...
“Rejoice always.” Another more modern translation of that verse reads, “Be full of joy.” I then circled the word joy. I knew from past study that when a person has deep-rooted joy, it is something much more than happiness after eating a great meal or watching a wonderful movie. Jo...
I had sent an email to her beforehand about my concern that my parents were getting the vaccine. I had been caught up in the anti-vaccine mindset, suspicious of everyone and everything. She opened the session with something along the lines of “who do you think you are to say what ...