Many people with to improve their knowledge of the New Testament. Using Bible trivia is an excellent way to do so. Our collection of New Testament Bible trivia provides something for everyone – those who consider themselves experts, those just beginning their studies of God’s Word, and even ...
So you think you know your Bible? Try our Bible Quizzes and see if you know your Bible trivia. Compare your score to others.
His birth is described in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for a census, and Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn. This event is celebrated by Christians around the world as Christmas. The prophecy of the Messiah being ...
- Find Biblical answers to questions that are important to kids – questions about life. - Choose the right answer in an engaging Bible trivia game – important questions for kids with fun Biblical answers. - Decode Bible verses before time runs out in the exciting, new Bible Verse Scramble ...
These three fun questions will test your knowledge of a story called, “Jesus” in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories. Instructions 1. Read each question. 2. Click on the best answer. 3. When completed, your score will be shown at the bottom of the trivia game. 4. Keep playing ...
-Cover all major doctrines of the Bible: Kingdom of God, Salvation, Christian Development, Resurrection, Doctrine of Hell, Return of Christ, Peace of God, Israel in Prophecy, Creation vs Evolution, Immortal Soul, Birth of Jesus, Why does God permit evil, Where was God on 9/11, Tabernacle...
Bible: Something in Common Trivia Questions 1. Which creature was arguably Satan, the fallen angel, in disguise? (Genesis 3; Revelation 12) From QuizAn Angel in Disguise Answer:Serpent According to Genesis 3, a serpent tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden tree. She did and then Adam ate ...
Bible Jobs Trivia Questions 1. According to Genesis 4:2, who was the first farmer? From QuizFarmers in the Old and New Testaments Answer:Cain Cain, described as a tiller of the ground in Genesis 4:2 in the NKJV, is the correct answer. (The same verse in the NIV describes him as a... Learning about the Bible can be much more fun with this amazing Bible game. Heroes is an interactive Bible quiz game with thousands of Bible questions and answers, made for all ages. ...
Want to know what the Bible has to say on a particular topic? Or where to find a particular verse? Or some other Bible question? Ask here to get a personal reply by email. Sorry, but we can't help with academic or trivia questions. ...