Those who have ears to hear with, let them hear!” He also said to them, “Pay attention to what you are hearing! The measure with which you measure
“Because the Greek word translatedmasteriskurios(‘lord’), some have thought that it was God whopraised the unrighteous manager. However, it is much more likely that the story ends in the middle of verse 8. Thus, it was the landowner rather than God who offered praise, and he did so...
A man will be walking quickly along a busy street and suddenly feel his phone fall out of his pocket and onto the sidewalk and, as he stops and turns to pick it up, a woman, who is walking to work earlier than usual because a sudden change of appointment means that she will have to...
Want to catch up on the latest sermons from Larry T. Smith? Click the link below and see how God is still using him to preach and teach and continue laying foundations that reprove tradition and call those who have ears to hear into deeper depths and closer relationship with the creator....
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. - Bible | Hearing Quotes Add to Favorite List Let not your heart be troubled. - Bible | Heart Quotes Add to Favorite List Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. - Bible | Heart Quotes Add to Favorite List The heart knoweth...
43 Then the righteous [those who seek the will of God] will shine forth [radiating the new life] like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears [to hear], let him hear and heed My words. Hidden Treasure 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasur...
“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 8:8, quoted in Revelation 2:7 and elsewhere). The Apostle Paul told the Athenians that God “now commandeth all men every where to repent” (Acts 17:30); but that command is heard in our day through the medium of print and no...
For those today who claim membership in the same Messianic family, there are many treasures waiting to be discovered, if we have ears to hear. Next time, we’ll look at some of Paul’s shorter letters, and then we’ll have a tough talk about the disputed “pastoral epistles.” This ...
They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from God′s Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel good‐ref 2Tim 4:3,4. Such will perish. The Bible tells YOU to examine yourself (by God′s Word) to see if ye be in the faith ...
“Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” Those who seek to know and live the truth regardless of the cost. The steadfast who refuse to compromise their convictions. Our purpose is to ...