BIBLE TEACHINGS. Sound Bible teachings from the King James Version of the Bible can be found at These anointed Bible teachings in our bible teaching directory will help disciples of Jesus Christ understand and apply the milk and meat
BIBLE TEACHING. Sound Bible teaching for children, kids, youth, men, and women from the King James Version of the Bible can be found online at These anointed Bible teachings in our bible teaching directory will help disciples of Jesus
Welcome to, your online resource for free Bible teachings, answers to Bible-related questions and free online Bible academy. Bible teaching about delivers theology, living and ministry lessons as well as delivers powerful and crucial information that is useful and inspirational...
John the Baptist prepared the way for our Lord by preaching about the one to come and a baptism of repentance, but his teachings were rejected by many --including many of the "religious leaders of the day". Where would those who believed John be if instead they had followed the religious...
TEACHING THE BIBLE. Sound Bible teaching from the King James Version of the Bible can be found at These anointed teachings from the Bible are located in our bible teaching directory and will teach disciples of Jesus Christ to unders
There's something unique about the teachings of Jesus. He not only commands us not to kill (outward behavior), but not to hate (inner attitude). That would certainly include depersonalizing a human being to make it easier to kill that person....
This parable is about counterfeit disciples, satanic attacks by planting them inside the kingdom of God, yet we must not render ultimate and final judgment on them before God does. It also speaks of Jesus’ view of the end-times. It is not as complicated as the teachings of popular, end...
What does the Bible say about a spiritual spouse, a spiritual husband, and spiritual wife? This is a question I’ve been asked a lot over the years, but I’ve put it off because I thought I already answered this question in my teachings about soul ties. ...
The shallow teachings of “liberal Christianity” leave the multitude of God’s people unlearned, unguarded, and unprepared for the challenges of the final hours of the Church age” tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…” (Eph. 4:14).Satan...
Teachings of Jesus Jesus' Birth and Ministry The Passion God's Plan of Salvation New Testament, Year 3:(html) Events in Jesus' Life Jesus' Birth and Epiphany Jesus' Witnesses Paul's Journeys To use html studies, simply click on the study you want and ...